
Installation of digitized technologies in the company's production processes

Installation of digitized technologies in the company's production processes

Glassbel Baltic is pleased to announce that following the positive decision of the European Regional Development Fund in 2020, is currently implementing the European Union funded project “Installation of digitized technologies in the company's production processes“ no. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-854-02-0040.

During the project, it is planned to acquire and install modern digital equipment and digital solutions in the production process. These digitized technologies will enable the integration and traceability and control of materials, products and production processes, all linked to the specific work and skills of the operator. And this will enable high product quality, productivity growth and reduction of production costs, offering customers competitive prices for their products. All this, together with the accumulated operational experience, qualified staff, modern production processes, will ensure comprehensive satisfaction of customer needs and gain a long-term competitive advantage.

The Project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Priority 3 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness” no. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-854 measure “Digitalization of Industry LT”.

The total value of the project is 1.486.292,88 EUR of which 490.476,65 EUR is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the rest is the company's own contribution. Planned completion of the project activities is the end of 2022.

UAB „Glassbel Baltic“ is implementing a project partially financed by the European Union

UAB „Glassbel Baltic“ is implementing a project partially financed by the European Union
UAB „Glassbel Baltic“ is currently implementing the European Union-funded project "Investments in the infrastructure necessary for the development of CCI products in UAB Glassbel Baltic" No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-309-01-0053 (further – Project). Since 2001 operating company is a leading glass processing company focusing on the architectural and interior glass markets.

UAB „Glassbel Baltic“ initiates the Project in order to solve the problem related to changing the production process of the manufactured glass products and ensuring new properties, during the Project it is planned to purchase a new generation glass cooling system which is necessary to toughen or thermally strengthen the glass after heating the glass to a temperature of 650C. After integrating this system into the company's existing equipment, the production processes will be improved, as a result the quality of the manufactured products (tempered glass) will be significantly higher and meet the requirements, also, less waste generation, reduced energy consumption and reduced amount of defectives will be ensured. The products produced with the help of the planned system will ensure the comprehensive satisfaction of the needs of end users - the quality of glass tempering will be improved, as well as the aesthetic appearance (the anisotropy effect will be reduced) and by reducing the generation of production waste (defect) and saving energy resources, optimal production prices will be ensured for consumers. This will significantly increase the company's competitiveness. After purchasing the expected infrastructure in the product production process, more sustainable products will be created, the amount of generated waste will be reduced, as well as the use of energy and raw materials. Additionally, there will be created new opportunities for the company to produce more durable products.

This Project is partially financed by the funds of the European Regional Development Fund in accordance with priority 13 of the 2014-2020 European Union funds investment action program "Promotion of actions to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and preparation for environmentally friendly, digital and sustainable economic revitalization" No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-310 the measure "Incentives for the cultural and creative industries sector to create competitive cultural products".

Glassbel Baltic is implementing a project co-financed by the European Union

Glassbel Baltic is implementing a project co-financed by the European Union
UAB Glassbel Baltic is currently implementing a project co-financed by the European Union entitled "Development of export markets of UAB Glassbel Baltic through participation in exhibitions and certification of products" No 02-036-K-0091 (hereinafter - the Project).

The aim of the Project is to strengthen the competitiveness of the company by increasing its visibility on foreign markets. The project activities are aimed at promoting the export of the production of UAB Glassbel Baltic, searching for new export markets and expanding existing markets. As participation in international exhibitions to present the products to foreign markets is the most effective way of export development, UAB Glassbel Baltic plans to participate in international exhibitions during the project implementation, which will not only increase the brand awareness, but also the number of potential customers and the volume of exports to foreign markets. The project also plans to certify the company's glass production in order to expand into new markets and to sell its products.

The project is financed in accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in the description of the activity "Promotion of internationalisation of SME activities and identification of new export markets (Central and Western Lithuania region)" and in the Rules for the Administration and Financing of Projects according to programme of the development "Implementation of the measures to promote the growth of export competitiveness" of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania for the period 2022-2030.

The total value of the project is EUR 111.741,98.

The project will be financed by the EU Funds Investment Programme for the period 2021-2027 - EUR 53.964,84.

The project promoter's own funds - EUR 57.777,14.

The project shall be implemented from 3 March 2024 to 12 January 2027.

Glassbel Baltic is implementing a project co-financed by the European Union

Glassbel Baltic is implementing a project co-financed by the European Union
UAB Glassbel Baltic is currently implementing a project co-financed by the European Union entitled "Introducing a process/organisational innovation in UAB Glassbel Baltic, increasing the company's integration into international value chains" No 02-040-K-0080 (hereinafter - the Project).

The aim of the project is to introduce process/organisational innovations in the company, thus increasing the company's involvement in international value chains. Glassbel Baltic, a rapidly growing company, is currently focusing on expansion, new product development and attracting new customers, which is why this project is being initiated to further expand and introduce innovation in internal processes. The company will implement the activities planned in the project by introducing new business functions and reducing redundant activities and optimising existing value chains.

The project is financed in accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in the description of the activity "Promote the development of non-technological innovation (Central and Western Lithuania region)" and in the Rules for the Administration and Financing of Projects according to programme of the development "Establish a coherent framework for promoting innovation" of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania for the period 2022-2030.

The total value of the project is EUR 265.900,35.
The project will be financed by the EU Funds Investment Programme for the period 2021-2027 - EUR 100.000,00.
The project promoter's own funds - EUR 165.900,35.
The project shall be implemented from 11 November 2024 to 8 November 2026.
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