Oversized double glazed units with sizes up to 3x3m used for structural glazing. SunGuard HS SN 70/35 coating is used for excellent thermal performances.


Location: Bergen, Norway

Area: 5000 sqm.

Architect: Nordic

Project description

New terminal building for Bergen’s airport, Norway’s second busiest airport, more than doubles the airport’s capacity without compromising on esthetics. Taking the form of a pair of wings spread wide, the overall design brings to mind the valleys and fjords of the region.

Double glazed units of big dimensions up to 3x3m are used for structural glazing system.  Outer pane of DGU is laminated and fully tempered with SunGuard HS SN 70/35 coating. As a result – completely transparent and functional glazing solution.

Bergen Airport Norway Bergen Bergen Airport Norway Bergen
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